Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto (USRV) represents one of the Regional District School Boards of the Italian Ministry of Education. 

USRV is an autonomous public body performing different types of administrative activities. It is divided into 3 departments, performing tasks at regional level and 6 local branches (one for each Province in Veneto – Venice, Verona, Vicenza, Treviso and Belluno – with Padua and Rovigo sharing a common Board).  

The main goals and priorities are:   

1 – supporting innovative processes by way of:   

  1. a)  implementation of reforms in the education and training system;  
  2. b) implementation of processes aimed at improving the teaching according to the national and international assessment systems;  

2 – guaranteeing the right to receive an appropriate education and training by:  

  1. a) preventing early school leaving ;
  2. b) launching initiatives on the vocational guidance and counselling;  
  3. c) promoting joint school-work experiences and work placements addressed to students attending secondary schools;   

3 – improving the quality of the learning process by enhancing  basic competences, fostering the study of sciences and technology as well as the European languages, with a particular focus on  the certification of competences; 

4 – promoting the integration of special needs, migrant and foreign students;  

5 – promoting European projects dealing with education and training through:  

  1. a) submitting and managing European projects as leading or partner organisation;  
  2. b) promoting calls for proposals and supporting schools wishing to submit and managing new proposals; 
  3. c) disseminating the results of European projects by organising targeted initiatives.