Project Results

Project Result 1

Report on the present status of inclusion and prevention of drop- out in VET

The partnership will elaborate a methodology for information gathering concerning the present situation regarding vision, policy, strategies and actions VET schools are taking to increase inclusiveness and prevention of drop-out. Based on the methodologies, needed online questionnaires, interview questions for an individual meeting with VET school staff (teachers, administrators and management), NGOs working with NEET youth and local/regional VET authorities).

Project Result 2

Online digital tool for self-assessment of inclusiveness and drop-out prevention in VET schools
The Online digital tool for self-assessment is a form of RiskScan identifies the main factors involved in the prevention of drop-out. As such it is an important building block for setting up appropriate procedures to identify, mentor and monitor the students through their processes of career development. Crucial for the use of the Risk-Scan is the way the scan is incorporated in an integrated development approach and the collaboration with all key school staff in the process. If the VET schools do not have a student monitor or mentoring program which can be enriched by the parameters mentioned in the RiskScan the first activity of a school will be to start to develop a policy for the prevention of drop-out and related monitor and mentor system. It will cover the main attention areas presented within the framework of EQAVET indicator 8. Further, it will demonstrate how those attention areas in quality planning can be used in monitoring and mentoring program of a school, as well as some example showing how such integration is created.

Project Result 3

EQAVET4INCLUSION training curricula for vocational school’s staff

The training curriculum will be developed in a form of a distance course through Moodle open-source. The main feedback group engaged are the focus groups consisting of teachers, school management officers and guidance counsellors. The purpose is to inform the school staff about using EQAVET in general and indicator 8 in specific for quality improvement in their VET school. The training material will assist schools to create a long-term plan to detect and prevent drop-out by the selection of policy, strategy and activities that address the particular needs of the school. The Prevention Plan training material will offer step by step advice on how schools can focus their efforts to keep young people connected to their VET school. It will help VET schools to create an inclusive school through the improvement of the school climate and also a process to identify and track pupils who are at risk of drop-out and respond to the warning signs.

Project Result 4

Report on validation of the assessment tool and training curriculum and materials

The validation aims to measure the applicability of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials among a wider range of VET providers with regards to: a) Size of the VET schools b) VET schools offering programs in different economic sectors c) VET schools in various member states in the European Union d) Various member states both inside the partnership and outside the partnership. The result of the validation through wider piloting will give important input for a) Increasing the applicability of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials b) Increasing the transferability to various types of VET schools in different member states. The validation will be done through already established “EQAVET in Practice” to reach VET schools in 17 EU countries that already use the platform. The result will be a better alignment of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials in the toolbox of EQAVET and thereby recognized by the EQAVET secretariat.

Project Result 5

Policy recommendation for prevention of drop-out in VET schools based on EQAVET

The partnership combines bottom-up perspectives from the VET teachers and trainers in VET and the direct delivery of VET to trainees and students, with concrete engagement in programme-level and policy-level mechanisms and instruments in the EQAVET field. The EQAVET-4-INCLUSION has been designed in a strong policy context, informed by the call requirements of Erasmus priorities both horizontal and VET sectoral. It envisages continuous engagement with quality experts and EQAVET audiences throughout. In our experience, it is difficult for innovation projects to find a policy action audience without a clear pathway to policy stakeholders, such as that which we have designed for this project.

Project Result 1

Report on the present status of inclusion and prevention of drop- out in VET
The partnership will elaborate a methodology for information gathering concerning the present situation regarding vision, policy, strategies and actions VET schools are taking to increase inclusiveness and prevention of drop-out. Based on the methodologies, needed online questionnaires, interview questions for an individual meeting with VET school staff (teachers, administrators and management), NGOs working with NEET youth and local/regional VET authorities).
View result

Project Result 2

Online digital tool for self-assessment of inclusiveness and drop-out prevention in VET schools
The Online digital tool for self-assessment is a form of RiskScan identifies the main factors involved in the prevention of drop-out. As such it is an important building block for setting up appropriate procedures to identify, mentor and monitor the students through their processes of career development. Crucial for the use of the Risk-Scan is the way the scan is incorporated in an integrated development approach and the collaboration with all key school staff in the process. If the VET schools do not have a student monitor or mentoring program which can be enriched by the parameters mentioned in the RiskScan the first activity of a school will be to start to develop a policy for the prevention of drop-out and related monitor and mentor system. It will cover the main attention areas presented within the framework of EQAVET indicator 8. Further, it will demonstrate how those attention areas in quality planning can be used in monitoring and mentoring program of a school, as well as some example showing how such integration is created.
Quick Scan Tool

Project Result 3

EQAVET4INCLUSION training curricula for vocational school’s staff
The training curriculum will be developed in a form of a distance course through Moodle open-source. The main feedback group engaged are the focus groups consisting of teachers, school management officers and guidance counsellors. The purpose is to inform the school staff about using EQAVET in general and indicator 8 in specific for quality improvement in their VET school. The training material will assist schools to create a long-term plan to detect and prevent drop-out by the selection of policy, strategy and activities that address the particular needs of the school. The Prevention Plan training material will offer step by step advice on how schools can focus their efforts to keep young people connected to their VET school. It will help VET schools to create an inclusive school through the improvement of the school climate and also a process to identify and track pupils who are at risk of deop-out and respond to the warning signs.
View Result

Project Result 4

Report on validation of the assessment tool and training curriculum and materials
The validation aims to measure the applicability of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials among a wider range of VET providers with regards to: a) Size of the Vet schools b) VET schools offering programs in different economic sectors c) VET schools in various member states in the European Union d) Various member states both inside the partnership and outside the partnership The result of the validation through wider piloting will give important input for a) Increasing the applicability of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials b) Increasing the transferability to various types of VET schools in different member states The validation will be done through already established “EQAVET in Practice” to reach VET schools in 17 EU countries that already use the platform. The result will be a better alignment of the elaborated assessment tool and training curriculum and materials in the toolbox of EQAVET and thereby recognized by the EQAVET secretariat.

Project Result 5

Policy recommendation for prevention of drop-out in VET schools based on EQAVET
The partnership combines bottom-up perspectives from the VET teachers and trainers in VET and the direct delivery of VET to trainees and students, with concrete engagement in programme- level and policy-level mechanisms and instruments in the EQAVET field. The EQAVET-4-INCLUSION has been designed in a strong policy context, informed by the call requirements of Erasmus priorities both horizontal and VET sectoral. It envisages continuous engagement with quality experts and EQAVET audiences throughout. In our experience, it is difficult for innovation projects to find a policy action audience without a clear pathway to policy stakeholders, such as that which we have designed for this project. The